What"s that saying; nothing says
loving' like something from the
oven. Well who doesn't love all
the cookies, candies, and chocolate
covered somethings. When I was
younger the powdered sugar was
flying everywhere. During the
holiday season I loved to give to
my friends and relatives, not to
mention Ron's workplace treats
and something for the kids to
take to school. It was fun.. the
house always smelled so good.
Now days, I bake a few things
when the spirit moves me. I
know I don't have to. One thing
I make every year without fail
are cupcakes with green mint

icing and a candy cane stuck
in the middle. This is my tradition,
in memory of my Mom. When I
was in elementary school, my
birthday, being December 20th,
was also the day of the Xmas
party. Yes, I proudly shared
those cupcakes with my class.
I'm smiling right now…….
Thanks Mom!
* Please enjoy 4 recipes. See

Earthly Delights. Included are
pictures of some goodies