I thought you deserved a little respite from the snow and cold
temperatures. Take some Zen thyme and enjoy the view. This
is from our favorite vacation spot, Wrightsville Beach, NC.
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I heard a winter tree in song,
Its leaves were birds, one hundred strong;
And all at once it ceased to sing,
For all its leaves had taken wings.
-Mervyn Peake
My shadow picture above shows me all bundled up while
taking my morning walk. I heard the birds before I saw them.
They were in the trees just making a mighty racket. I wanted
to take a picture….ok by the time I had removed 2 pairs of
gloves, unzipped my coat, undid my scarf and unzipped my
sweater, well guess what off they flew. But a beautiful picture
if I could have taken it…lol!
Let's do something new. We'll take a look at certain words and
how they might affect some meaning in our lives. I'll share a
picture or two to help look at the definition, give us a different
perspective… a new view. Words and pictures can really impact
our thought process.
Here's what I know about this picture.My good fortune was to
discover and understand what I really like to do. What makes me
happy. What gives me a purpose right now. I remember this day,
I felt so content. It was a beautiful day, and I felt joy.
We are at the end folks. Two more things: Valentines Day is
fast approaching. Don't forget your loved ones. Make some
Jello Heart Cookies. See www.cookingthymewithdiana.com
for that recipe plus a new one.