Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Santa's Coming To Town

Sleep Tight
Try With All Your Might
Santa's Taken Flight……


What If Christmas Means A Little Bit More?

While we are only in the shadow of the birth of Jesus Christ, the
relevance of this big event holds true even today. The meaning
carries such strength and power, and its giving couldn't be
easier. To love, to extend the hand of kindness, to share and 
witness what grace has to offer for everyone has significant 
meaning. For in giving to others, we gain a sense of peace, quiet
joy, and a feeling of worth. We can't possibly solve the problems 
of the entire world, but within our own sphere, we truly have 
the power.

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

We Need A Little Christmas…..

There are two ways to look at this very stressful thyme called 
the HOLIDAY SEASON.  You can view it as a super explosion
of stuff that needs to be done, here, there, everywhere, or you 
can take a different look, seize the opportunity to view the magic 
and spiritualness of the whole thing called Christmas Thyme.


So in the interest of HO HO HO and having the MERRIEST, take a
long look around at what you have, what you don't really need, feel
the moment…. deep breath now….ENJOY!

Merry Xmas from Sam

 For we need a little Christmas
right this very minute, candles in
the window, carols at the spinet.
And we need a little Christmas
right this very minute….
We need a little Christmas now.
-song by Jerry Herman


Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Feeling The Red And Green & Recipe Thyme..

Glad Tidings of Joy. The 
countdown has certainly
begun. Are you readying
your home for Christmas?
Remember nature when
decorating: evergreens,
pinecones, fruits and nuts,
boxwood, berries, dwarf
shrubs,and topiaries of
rosemary and myrtle. 
Think also of cranberries,
spices like cinnamon, anise,
nutmeg, clove and ginger…
so fragrant. Add candles, 
lights, poinsettias, and your
house will be transformed
into Christmas wonderland.

Find many pictures and ideas 
on Pinterest, in magazines,  
and craft shops. You're only 
limited by what you want to

Timely Tip;
Remember pets, keep them 
warm while outside, and keep 
those bird feeders filled.




   Now how about a recipe,
   TREATS  >>>>>>>>                                    

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Many Joys Of December

December brings to mind many thoughts.  Family, holiday fun of 
crafting, cooking, and celebrating, decorating the house, sharing 
delicious food and drink with friends, remembering memories of 
Christmas past, and the most important, commemorating the 
birth of Jesus Christ. 

With the recent snowfall and drastic drop in temperature, we  
had to shift quickly into winter mode, rakes to shovels, sweaters 
to heavy coats, and gym shoes to boots. Thoughts of transforming 
our homes into Christmas splendor indoors and out took a back 
seat. Now it's thyme. Get those lights out, tree up, and stockings 
hung…can you believe 22 days until Christmas!


Now no stressing, stay focussed, take a breath…do a little, do what
makes you happy, but remember seasonal calm goes to the top of 
the list. But most of all….ENJOY!! 

                          -Holly Jolly Christmas, Burl Ives


Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Thanksgiving Blessings

Forever on Thanksgiving Day the
heart will find the pathway home.
                 -WilburD. Nesbit

Nothing is more
honorable than 
grateful heart.     


As we express our gratitude, we 
must never forget that the highest
appreciation is not to utter words,
but to live by them.
                 -John F. Kennedy

Gratitude helps us to see what 
is there instead of what isn't.
      -Annette Bridges


Have a wonderful, blessed
Remember there is always
a reason to be thankful…
   Diana M.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

YIKES!..Nine Days Until Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving Is Almost Here

Ok we'll address the weather later. We're thinking about it but
let's move on right now. To the good stuff, although you might
look at the coming holiday in a negative way, let's be positive, 
grateful, and thankful  for what we have. COME ON, I know
you know that you do…ok..ok. So let's take a look at reducing 
your stress a bit. Here's what I do to try to and make it a little 
easier. Make a plan a week or two ahead. And, I want you to 
write it out. Titles can include: decorating, cleaning, menu,
grocery list, and whatever else you want to include on this list. I
do my list on a notepad, you might use the computer or phone.
Your decorating may be already done, not even started, or nada.
Your choice, it's ok whatever you decide. But let me just say,
a pumpkin, fall tablecloth, a few purchased flowers, fruits and 
nuts can do wonders and be all you need. Cleaning will be 
confined to where you need it the most, where the people will be. 
Pick up is major for those areas. Do it ahead. Menu is major too.
With the menu goes timing. When you eat dictates everything, 
from when you put the turkey in the oven, to calling the guests 
to the table. Think it through. If you can make it in advance, do 
it. I'm not cooking a whole turkey, just 2 large turkey breasts and 
I'm cooking it ahead, slicing it, then reheating the next day. Your
grocery list will come from your menu. This will also include 
snacks and drinks too. Think ice, mixers, precut, premade, and
pre baked. Stick to basics, don't try out new recipes. If you have


others bringing food, add that to the list. Most important think
about you..take a breath, a break, squeeze it in! Yes, find the 
small pleasure and grab it. 
It's yours. AHHH!

We just have to talk about it, but you see I have this obsession 
with weather. So picture-sharing thyme.
3wks. ago

Sun. Sam helping w/Xmas
Mon. good thing decorating
outside done
Stay warm folks. For me I'm purchasing a new electric blanket. 

Next up: THANKSGIVING                                                                     

Friday, November 14, 2014

Brr…Its Cold, And Other Thoughts

I decided to test the theory about walking for 30 minutes; to lift  
the spirits, to exercise the body, to trigger the brain cells, thereby 
making myself more productive. I needed a happiness surge.  We
were hit a few days ago with an arctic blast, a big chill, a drastic
drop in temperature and none of us are happy right now. There
we were frolicking at 58 degrees, raking our leaves happily, when

yep, November reality kicked in. Geeze!! Suddenly the pressures 
of the daily grind hit hard. All because I was caught unexpectedly
by this cold front. I needed a change in attitude….

                                 Being happy doesn't mean that everything is
                                 perfect. It means that you've decided to look
                                 beyond the imperfections.  (unknown)

So outside I went, big coat, gloves, scarf, adjusting my mental
attitude as I walked. Not so bad. The sun was out, the geese flew
above honking, and I caught the scent of smoke.. I bet someone
had their fireplace going.. umm wonderful thought. It all began
to feel a little better. Endorphins kicking in, stresses ebbing……
And, it all seemed a little easier to take. Yes one foot in front of the
other, one thing at a thyme. So time to head back, there's coffee
and a muffin waiting. I have some things to do today and I feel OK.


Wednesday, November 5, 2014

No, It Can't Be November

October ended on a wonderful note. Couldn't resist a final picture of this tree.
Beautiful isn't it? As November entered bringing us a taste of the cold and
frost, it also teased us a little with warmth and sunshine. A last hurrah, a gift,
a token to guide us into nature's next season. So we must continue our clean-
up of fall's leaves, tidy our planting beds, plant those flowering bulbs before
the ground freezes, and finish your final pruning and cutting back. Now is a
good time for yard aeration. Remember the tools, hoses, plant pots and
containers and ready them for a put away. Are you thinking snow plow and
generator. It's on Ron's mind and his list of things to do this month. Also on
tap for us…Xmas decorating outside. Lights on the roof happen while its dry
and not to windy. We like to be ready by Thanksgiving Day. Stay tuned!

Be careful!
Sam keeping watch


We decided to take a break after roof activity and take Sam for a walk
through our nature preserve which happens to sit right alongside our
neighborhood. It was so peaceful. 

And what's a Fall without a football game with the family. UC BEARCATS
of course. Ron and Ben's alma mater.                                                           


Thursday, October 30, 2014

It's A Creepy, Spooky, Haunting, Fun Thyme….

We're ready on this end. The 6 o'clock hour is approaching and 
the candy bucket is full. Now all I need are all the ghosts and 
goblins, big kids, little kids, anybody in a costume…they all get 
*Towns in USA with Halloween Theme names
           Frankenstein, Mo.; Scary, W. Va.; Spook City, Colo.;
           and Candy Town, Ohio.
* Did you know $1.9 billion is spent on Halloween candy each
   year? Take that Valentines Day!
* First jack-o'-lantern was made from a turnip.
* The tradition of going out and asking for candy was not
   introduced to the United States until World War II

Sam's ready

*Tootsie Rolls were the first wrapped penny
candy in America.
*The fear of Halloween is known as 
*Halloween is the 2nd most commercially
successful holiday; Xmas the 1st.
*Snickers is #1 as the most popular
chocolate candy bar for trick-or-treaters.

I'll be watching for you….

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Baked Apples and Book Review #7

Can you stand it? A book review and a recipe. Well the fall season 
has me wound up. So much to share. And baking is such a big part
of the next few months. Oh the smell wafting from the oven is too
much. Yes, had to sample. Delicious! Baked apples are a favorite.
Easy to make, a favorite from my childhood and this recipe I've
adapted a little bit from my Mom's. She so loved Baked Apples.
A wonderful memory from way back when, is going apple picking
with my family. Up early, something hot to drink, and out the door
to the apple farm. Sun just rising, a chill in the air, and all those 
apples just waiting to be picked. Such fun. We brought home at
least 2 bushels. Kept them in the garage because it was cold out
there. We were so hungry after picking, and Mom fixed a big
breakfast. A happy memory! So see this recipe on EARTHLY 

Isn't this a great book cover? And the inside does not disappoint. 
From Country Living, Happy Halloween is a delight. This is 
another one of my go to books that I've had for years.  You'll
find it all in this paperback book. Four chapters of recipes, party
ideas, decoration how-to, adorable costumes, and of course there
has to be pumpkins.  Colorful pictures and easy to understand 
ways to carve that special jack-o'-lantern. There's also templates
provided and the cover just happens to be a stencil. A fun must
have book, a tingling guide to Halloween. Definite A++.

Wait a minute…whose this guy? He that makes all things possible!
Taster of all my recipes, resident handyman, my sidekick to all my
mindful wanderings…husband Ron. Taking a rest here from our
weekend of leaf collecting. Why he's even thinking about hanging
Christmas lights!! Oh my!! "Love ya darlin'"