Astronomically, it happens every September. This year the
Autumn (fall) equinox is on Friday, September 22 at 4:02 pm
in the Northern Hemisphere. Basically, the amount of daytime
and nighttime are closely equal to each other (within minutes)
and the days will be shorter with less light. Notice too the birds
and butterflies migrate along the path of the sun which is
starting to shift southward and is lower in the sky. Temperatures
begin to drop, and chilly breezes blow.
It is the summer's great last heat,
It is the fall's first chill: they meet.
~Sarah Morgan Bryan Piatt
We are starting to see the changes as the trees and plants are
slowing down. October will showcase the spectacular and vivid
leaf changes, but you can spot some of that fall color right now.
Warm and sunny days with cool nights accelerate the color
changes. That's where we are, the in-between month, still hot
and humid, and sometimes cool and rainy. Our gardens have
peaked, the grass (unless there's a lot of rain), is starting to
brown, and we're ready for change and autumn's delights.
We look for color and find that in Chrysanthemums, Asters and
of course autumn's symbol, the pumpkin. The orange shaped,
generally smooth, ribbed skin member of the squash family,
which also includes (gourds), are what we carve into jack-o-
lanterns. There are many varieties and colors. Check out your
garden center for beautiful fall displays.
Even is something is left undone,
everyone must take time to sit and
watch the leaves turn.
~Elizabeth Lawrence
This is a great time to be outside to watch and observe.
It's healthy and fun. Say goodbye to Summer and get
out and enjoy what nature has to offer.
Thanks for stopping by. I'll be posting every 2-3 weeks instead
of every week for at least the next few months as we enter into
into the holiday season. Visit me on Instagram dianarn2627
Sign up, it's free and there lots of great pictures to view.