May was not ending on a happy note. I noticed volcano shaped mounds in
my backyard, down below the hill. I knew this was not going to be good. I
squashed the mounds downs, Googled for information and off to Lowes I
went. I thought I had gophers. For a few days Ron and I applied all the
pellets, chemicals, and organics we could lay our hands on. We thought we
had turned a corner and didn't notice new mounds. Wrong!! They started up
again. I started panicking. Then I started dreaming. Dreamt about snakes
and gophers. I shared my dream with my neighbor Natalie. Yep, she informs
me there's a snake in her window well and it's all my fault. So there we were
staring down at this hideous garter snake; pictures were taken, she called her
Mom who told her to kill it with a shovel. Great idea I thought. Natalie
decides to capture it. So with a bucket, pillowcase, and extension tongs, it
began. Long story short she got it into the pillowcase, then into the bucket,
with a snap- tight lid. She was going to take it far away and release it. Hmm.
No, the story doesn't end there. I fretted about snakes all afternoon. Worry
was nagging at me. I checked and rechecked my garden area. Nothing.
Wait a minute, it's coming…Ron decided to mow, it was getting dark so
I thought ok another check in the herb garden. Went to the little area that
has pebbles and an ornamental clay frog hut. I lifted it up…there it was, a
large coiled SNAKE. Dropped the pot back down and went to get Ron.
He said I had the strangest look on my face. I said SNAKE. He got a
large bucket and put it over the clay hut. We had to decide how to get
this thing, this invader, this slithering reptile. Because no way was I going
into the house with this "serpent" still in my garden. It didn't take long.
We needed to call Jack from
Wildlife Control. He would get it for sure.
It wasn't Jack, it was his brother Jake coming to my rescue at 10 pm. Head-
lamp, gloves and pillowcase. Caught him with a gloved hand. It was now
take it away Jake! (see the post from June 16, 2014 for my other snake story).
Ron quickly says, "oh by the way, can you take a look at some mounds?"
So yes, Monday came and Jake set about to trap, not gophers, but MOLES.
I have hope again. Jake says he will get them!! I'm not to do another thing,
but wait for it to happen. I have confidence…they got the snakes..right???
Jake suggested I might want to have a contract with them…….funny!
It seems we have visitors to Garden Thyme. Let's welcome Mama
Hen and her Baby Chicks. They seem to be everywhere in the
garden, see if you can spot them in the coming posts. They like a
bit of adventure!
Yes, it's Strawberry Festival Thyme in Troy, Ohio. The annual
event that celebrates everything strawberry takes place this
weekend along the levee of the great Miami River and continues
in town. You'll find 200 arts and crafts booths & 70 food booths.
It's big folks with over 100,000 people attending. If you like
festivals, this one is for you. Just Google for more info.
I think we need a strawberry recipe. How about something
simple and fresh. Easy No Bake Strawberry Ice Box Cake.
You'll be surprised, see EARTHLY DELIGHTS for recipe.
Yea, Sam (the Pug) is here for a short visit. And guess what, he
went right to the area where we found the SNAKE. What a dog!
There it is folks, of course all cleaned up now. Yes I lifted the hut
up for Sam…no SNAKE there, whew! He's on guard duty now.
Wanted to share the dressing I normally use
for my Garden Pasta Salad. Found it at a small
grocery store locally here. Please try this, it is
delicious. See last post for recipe. >>>
Next up: June garden chores