The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Makes sense. When thinking about why I like to garden, my thoughts go back to my Dad. His roots go back to a simple upbringing, growing alot of their own food, by necessity certainly, but he did take pleasure in"working the soil". My Dad sure could grow roses and he enjoyed his own backyard garden. I learned alot by watching, helping and listening to his garden stories. If I had a question about some garden problem he always had an answer and a story to go with it.
So here's my thoughts, my list on gardening and why I do it.
* there is conflict about, but in my garden, there is peace
* I can cry and laugh in my garden, she understands
* I can't imagine my life without gardening
* it's my place to be creative
* the garden will always give back, if you take the time to let it
* yes, sore muscles, always weeds......
* but I am taught the joy of nuturing, and my soul is nourished
* a garden connects you to others
* I feel good when a neighbor says, "I love your garden"
* I can pray in my garden....
* gardening is like having my own support group
* I can smell, see, taste, hear, and touch in my garden...
* I know the POWER OF GREEN
Thank You my garden!!!
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