The morning sun against a blue, cloudless sky was my companion
this morning. It felt good. An occasional cold breeze slapped at
my face but I was content. 24 degrees and rising…I'll take that
forecast. I took several pictures here and there, enjoying the
solitude. The fresh air worked wonders. The sudden cawing of the
black bird overhead and the rabbit and squirrels jumping about
served my need to be out communing with nature. What a "good
thing." PS…look at the blue dot upper right side of the picture
above. After editing and enlarging, my mind is reeling. A star, a
planet?? A lot of visible happenings going on in the sky this month
and next. What that is, not quite sure, but how exciting to see.
Thoughts Come Clearly While One Walks ~Thomas Mann
Blog housekeeping: Note some changes please. Cabbage Patch
Photos are under one heading with all the pictures contained in
the slideshow, starting with 2012 through this year. Tap on the
photo then the arrows to see them all at once. Top right note the
picture under Roots. This past summer I was sharing thyme with
the Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangeas. Wonderful giant flowers that
bloom all summer. The colors move from green to creamy white
to a blushing pinkish shade of strawberry. They remind me of ice
cream cones. Wasn't I just the true"garden lady" with the hat
and of course my Garden Thyme apron? Italy Thyme, with
pictures, remains but below Earthly Delights. I'll be adding to
Mulching (favorite blogs) and Planting Seeds (garden sites),
so check those out. The blog sites have wonderful recipes, etc.
Just tap on the name and you'll be at the site. The Garden Patch
(book list) will continue and I will be adding some titles shortly.
I love, love to read. Winter is my prime reading thyme, I'm
up at 6-6:30am just to read. Husband Ron brings me coffee
before he gets ready for work…oh so divine!
So now it's thyme for a Strawberry Banana Smoothie.
Delish! See the recipe on EARTHLY DELIGHTS.
*Next up: a book review and a field trip
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