Thursday, January 1, 2015

We Are Just Where We Belong

Yep we just had to. A family selfie. A little blurred but there we
were, happy. We've made it through another year, together, 
healthy, appreciative of all we have.  So 2014 it's time to go….
bye bye now!  

Laughter is the sun that drives winter from the human face.
-Victor Hugo

Winter solstice has come, December 21st, 6:03 pm. From here on
our days will be getting longer.
We decide to take a walk along the bike path. Sun was shining
but very cold……...WELCOME 2015.

We send your way: 
Peace of Mind, A Hopeful Spirit, Healthy Tomorrows,
And Blessings for a Fantastic NEW YEAR……….


Look for some changes
coming to the site, not
major, but it will make me
feel better. 

1 comment:

  1. Love the pictures and the writings . Blessings to all for 2015!
