Nothing is easier to grow than herbs. They provide wonderful
fragrance, look lovely and are edible too. They are fast growing,
needing sun and water, fertilizer at first planting then pinch and
clip as you need them. Like most annuals, periodic harvesting will
keep them from going to seed. Space isn't an issue either. Any
container will work as long as you provide for drainage. A small
spot in a landscaped bed near the kitchen will give you quick
access to flavor all your dishes. Here's what I'm growing in my
herb pots.
Herbs are the friend of the physician
and the pride of cooks.
As Rosemary is to the spirit,
so Lavender is to the soul.
Nothing beats the taste of fresh herbs.
Thanks for stopping by, Diana
PS do you like the herb markers, here's where you can find them.
by Jackson Hawk (not a pd.endorsement)
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