Thursday, July 30, 2015

Summer Moments And A Recipe

What a beautiful morning. Considering our week, our hot, humid
and hazy week, we deserve a little respite.  With a gentle breeze,
high 60's temperature, and a tolerable humidity level, there are
many of us out. We are "grabbing" this morning and hanging on
before the sun and heat takes over. With a nod or a hello to
neighbors, we move along enjoying our nature thyme. It's quiet,
no lawnmowers yet or service trucks, just the occasional burst
of loud buzzing from the cicadas.  I've been watching the beautiful 
cardinals "flitting  about" and enjoying the lush flowers beds in
some of the yards. It is the very essence of summer. It is the thyme
to be lazy and lounging, swimming and soaking, or camping and 
canoeing. Fresh air, fresh fruit, or fresh-cut grass, take your pick.
Do your own sweet thing. Go on, really...have FUN!
Picture Thyme...

See EARTHLY DELIGHTS for a salad of
Cucumbers, Tomatoes and Onions. Cold and crisp, you'll love it.

next up: August

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