Thursday, March 31, 2016

Buckle Up...

Ok..March is making a statement. Has to have the last word, kinda 
like our kids when they were teenagers. Lots of rain and very
much on the windy side. This is a good day to spend inside  
working on my blog. 

While thoughts of flowers are dancing through your head, you
probably have some prep work ahead of you. I know my list of
yard chores is growing.

Let's make our own list shall we?

1. Take a walk around your yard. Clean up, thin out, prune away
    what's not needed. We're talking leaves, sticks, debris. Look at
     your lawn..some bare spots, take note.
2.  Prune summer-flowering shrubs before buds swell. 
     NO pruning to spring bloomers until after they flower. Cut 
     back ornamental grasses. See previous post on Clematis care.
3.  Prep your damaged or bare lawn areas. I checked with my 
     lawn care specialist and he okayed some early seeding on those 
     bare spots. He adds to make sure the seed has contact with the 
     soil. Rake those areas to loosen the soil. Spring rains will help 
     keep the soil wet for growth. April will see the fertilization and 
     weed treatments starting.
4.  Mowing can happen if it needs it but make sure ground not wet.
5.  Add compost/manure to your garden areas, especially for the
     raised beds. Amending the soil with organic matter will help it  
     to stay fertile and workable.
6.  Ready your garden tools, bird feeders, pots/planters. Do some
     cleanup on lawn furniture.
7.  Cool-season crops are frost tolerant. They can be put in the
     ground before a last frost. Examples are broccoli, turnips,
     radishes, onions, rhubarb and asparagus. Google for specific
     information. Remember warm-season crops need to wait until
     after the last frost date for your area. See below for last frost
     dates. Thanks to, 

8.  Plan your flower/vegetable garden now. Lay it out on paper. 
     Make a list of what you're going to plant. The nurseries and
     big box store are getting ready for the enthusiastic home
     gardener.  Umm ok, I confess…a little garden shopping.


Celebration here, the Potting Shed is open for business. Husband
Ron took off the winter doors. Yippee!!

Here's a peek, and more to come. Note: see my new berry basket
hanging light, love it. Thanks my sweet.

I'm worn out from the excitement, and it's just starting!! So 
excited about Spring, sunshine, warm weather, flowers etc. etc.

next up, new garden word, recipe, and book review

Thanks for stopping by…..

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