Thursday, July 26, 2012


 There is nothing better tasting than a homegrown tomato!
Sure, it has to be staked and watered, but for the lovers of
this wonderful fruit/veggie, its well worth it. This year I'm only
growing the grape tomato. I'm trying 2 different varities:
Napa Grape Hybrid from Burpee and Tami G Hybrid from
Bonnie Plants. About 65 days to harvest, they do need
at least 6 hrs. of sun. Here's a tip I learned from my Dad,
prune out the suckers below the first flower cluster. This
will encourage a strong main stem and allows the sun to get
to all of the plant.Most of the sugar produced goes to the
developing fruit. You will see larger fruits and a continuous
supply throughout the season. Dad also said to plant marigolds
around tomatoes to keep some of pests away. Now I don't
have the big green worms, but there is a pesky chipmunk
who loves my tomatoes. We are doing battle! I have watched
my tomatoes growing, anticipating that first bite. Finally picked
the first bowl (see the picture), and my husband and I will
be eating right from the vine. They are sweet and not to juicy.
Used for salads, kebabs, roasting, my favorite way to eat
them is to slice in half, and put a small mozarella ball in between
the halves and secure with a toothpick. Marinate them with an
italian dressing or balsamic glaze...delicious! I will be visiting
the Farmers Market for the larger tomatoes, so good on
hamburgers, in salsa, canning and oh, have you ever tried
fried-green tomatoes? However you like them tomatoes are
known for their antioxidant benefits, and are heart-healthy.
Keep eating those tomatoes!!!!

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