The Arctic blast has landed! You're cold, right? "Frigid" has become the new
buzz word. We're all under the the control of some strange atmospheric force
called, get ready, the JET STREAM. Well we're from Ohio folks and we don't
scare easy. We know snow!! So hang in there a few more days..we'll be at
20-30 degrees, maybe 40. OMG, a heat wave! We take this all in stride. No
signs of stress--grocery shelves remain stocked, restaurants remain busy,
movies remain crowded, why my neighbors are still out walking and jogging.
Yes, as long as the sun's shining and we can get out…it's winter after all and
January is just about over!!
Hint…(please don't read the Farmer's Almanac right now).
Picture sharing.. let's look back, a little summer, then some winter.

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