Can you ever resist a rainbow? You just want to stand and stare at
its wonder. Oh I understand the science of why and how a rainbow
is formed, but again God has shown his Glory. Rainbows make me
smile and I feel good. Do you"get it?" Seen two recently. Glorious!
Fall continues with weather not being anything that we can
accurately predict. From 70's to 40's overnight we just move
along with our lives. As we continue our transition seasonly
are you noticing late afternoons. With the sun's angle in the sky,
its effect is beautiful. Bright, warm rays of sunlight provide a
wonderful backlighting for the trees. But we still have to work
our seasonal chores before that first frost and drop into colder
weather. Now is the time to plant trees and shrubs. What a good
way to make a statement for the environment. Planting now will
allow the roots to become established before the ground freezes.
Water well and mulch. Harvest the rest of your tomatoes. You
can still ripen them. See my previous post from last fall on how
to do this. Clean up that garden area of exhausted plants, debris
and leaves. I've collected seeds from my Zinnias but still have
to prune a little of my Hydranges. You can tidy up other woody
perennials by pruning back and adding some mulch. I cut my
Hostas back to the ground and cleaned up some roses, not
pruning, just spent blossoms. When you are through with your
hoses, drain and store. Tools and pots can be cleaned up as well.
Sam helping!
Whatever your garden style, laid back or perfectly groomed,
this will determine your chore to-do list. There is no set-in-stone
manifesto. So set your goals and get to it. Remember leaf clean-
up continues for awhile if you have trees.
Fall is also the time for pumpkins, mums, and HALLOWEEN. So
decorating possibilities are endless. I leave you to it. Good day!
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