lot of information and tips, advice and techniques
put together with quotes, delightful photos and
sown together with some garden history. You can
be a brand new gardener or an experienced one and
you would love this book. Topics abound including
Going To Seed, The Home Herbalist, Watch The
Birdie, to Grow Your Own and Cutting Edge. So
if you want to bone up on garden terms, make a
bird house, rejuvenate your existing garden or
plan a new one, this gem of a book will delight
without being overly wordy. A fun book, this
one gets an A+ from me.
most useful plant. Grown for use in
the kitchen (flavor, seasoning), for
essential oil (fragrance, aroma
therapy), medicinal (for medicine,
remedies), for beauty (bouquets,
crafts), and for spiritual use
(related to culture and tradition),
herbs are a great addition for
your garden or container.
I want to explore many wonderful
herbs over the next several posts
with you, so let's start with...yep
you guessed it…..

varieties , Silver, Lemon, Garden, and the whole herb is used, fresh and dried. Typically cultivated in gardens for culinary use you can also use in landscaping by planting several for a lawn "carpet" effect. Studies are being done with Thyme for its potential health benefits. See (medicalnewstoday.com) It has a pungent minty, light-lemon aroma and the lemon variety has a
stronger lemon scent. It grows easily, likes the sun and dried thyme should be stored in a cool, dark place for no longer than 6 months. It pairs well with pasta, meatloaf, egg dishes and poultry. As with all herbs, cut from them frequently..use & share.
Are you going to Scarborough Fair?
Parsley, Sage, Rosemary, and Thyme,
Remember me to the one who lives there,
She once was a true love of mine.
(English folk song)
I like your blog. I'm growing thyme for the first time..