Thursday, May 8, 2014

A Busy May Day

Oh the garden centers are busy. I was there early morning and already a line.
How can you not feel the itch to plant something. Plus, Mothers Day this
Sunday. Do you have a plan? My family will all be here and I'm going to
cook. I want to, my idea and I'm hoping we can be outside. NO RAIN!
I've been busy planting some flowers and want to share some pictures.
Talked with friend Marietta and she was looking for some ideas for an
outdoor flower pot for her Mother. Something easy for her to care for.
I suggested a large geranium centered in a container and on either side
put asparagus ferns. Then in front and back of the flower put vinca vines.
Top it off with a tiny bird on a stick or a gnome
or a little angel. How easy is that? Just water
when dry. Will bloom the entire summer. With
a geranium you can go for a week and not
water, just dead-head for continual blooming.



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